Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pudding Can Makeover Part I

Every night my kitchen crew at work makes three pans of yummy, homemade banana pudding. They use three large cans (coffee can size) of vanilla pudding and then toss the cans. WHAT? So tonight I gathered up the cans and washed them out and brought them home. I knew I could use them for something.

So I've been Googling ideas for re-purposing coffee cans or in my case pudding cans and I've gotten a lot of great ideas. Below are my findings.

Fun Uses For Tin Cans

1. Gift Wrap - Instead of using wrapping paper, cover an old metal coffee can with scrap book paper or spray paint it a bright color. Drop your gift down inside, pop the lid on, and you're done! Great for edible and non edible gifts.

2. Flower Arrangement - Copy the instructions for the gift wrapping except keep the lid off and create a beautiful table scape.

3. Holiday Decoration - Paint a coffee can to match a funny character for the holiday. Easter bunny, scarecrow or Frankenstein, or Uncle Ben's hat. Drill a hole in either side and create a basket for goodies.

4. Storage - I love this one. Gather a bunch of cans and nail them to the wall to create a collage. Use for craft storage like pens, scissors, yarn, you name it! Great for office use or organizing a kid's playroom.
5. Caddy-Carry-All - This is so clever. An organizer cover made to fit a coffee can. Great for wedding, college back to school, or camp presents. I found is from Flower Girl Design's Etsy shop. You can purchase one for just $7. I'm sure it's not hard to make either, but I'm not a seamstress.
There are hundreds more ideas for coffee can makeovers on Pinterest and Esty. These are just a few of brilliant ideas. So don't throw away that can! Save it and create something that will make your life either easier or funnier! I have no clue what I'll do with my pudding cans just yet. You'll have to stay tuned for Part II. Have a great week!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fall Fave Colors

Pantone's Fall 2012 Color Pallete
“By playing to consumers' practical side with versatile neutrals, and boosting their confidence with bold, spirited hues, this skillfully balanced palette has something for everyone.”Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute

From love potions and the magical hour of sunset to witches and warlocks, fantasy and illusion are inspiring designers this fall season. With an unexpected mix of darks, brights and neutrals, they cleverly manipulate reality to transport consumers to an enchanting place, free from the stresses of everyday life. 
As the season transitions from the heat of summer, Bright Chartreuse, a vital yellow-green, pays homage to a typical spring shade and creates a bridge into the cooling days of fall. Reminiscent of bright green foliage, it provides a perfect accent to every color in the palette. 
Like the name implies, Pink Flambé is a delicious, vibrant pink with a bit of heat to it. Pair it with vivacious and enticing Tangerine Tango for an ongoing retro feeling. Or, to bring a calming element to the mix, combine these vibrant warm tones with Ultramarine Green, a deep, cooling blue-green.  
Ethereal Rhapsody is a grayed-down purple that also encourages comfort and serenity with its quiet, muted tone. 
Rich and robust, French Roast is a tasty, sophisticated hue that is a great alternative to the black and charcoal basics typically worn in the fall. Other staple neutrals include elegant and versatile Titanium, the quintessential cool gray, and Rose Smoke, a veiled rose tone that pairs well with Rhapsody and Titanium. 
For nearly 20 years, Pantone, the global authority on color, has surveyed the designers of New York Fashion Week and beyond to bring you the season’s most important color trends. This report previews the most prominent hues for fall 2012.
Source: Pantone 

I love these new shades! It's not the usual fall colors of nature that you're used to. These are fun, bold colors that your can wear or decorate with. I've chosen Tangerine Tango as the basis color for my new room! Since red heads shouldn't wear orange, my room will have a splash instead!
What's your favorite?

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Book Nerd Has BIG News

So one of my favorite books is now out in theaters and I'm VERY EXCITED. This book came out a couple of years ago, but it's story is timeless. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky is about freshman kid named Charlie who never stood out until he finds friends who let him in. It's a bittersweet love story about growing up. My mother and I both read this amazing novel and now we can't wait to have a Mommy and Daughter date night to the movies to go see it. If you haven't picked this one up yet, you MUST. It's the perfect addition to your book collection. The movie comes out OCTOBER 5 so that gives you plenty of time to read it. (It's about a half on an inch thick.) You can read an excerpt of the story on the movie's Facebook page. You can also get a sneak peek of the movie by watching the trailer here.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Matthew Turns 7!

I got very emotional while writing this only because it's been a bittersweet journey. I was able to pull out old pictures of when my oldest nephew came into my life. Watching him grow has been a pleasure and I can't wait to see what God has in store for that little man. I've compiled many pictures of my nephew has he's grown up. This is his seventh birthday and that, to me, is too hard to believe.
Seven years ago, I was anticipating the arrival of my first nephew/niece - we didn't quite know yet; it was a surprise! I felt honored to becoming an aunt at just thirteen years old and I couldn't wait to have a baby in the family to spoil. I never knew how much of an impact a little boy could do to a girl like me.

Matthew Charles Meadows was born on September 22, 2005 - he was named after his daddy and papa. I wasn't there the day of, but I couldn't wait to hold him. When we finally got to see him in Prattville, I knew I would never forget that day. While holding my new nephew, I remember thinking, "I've never held a baby this tiny!" He captured my heart and I immediately fell in love.

I learned very quickly that this little boy had spunk. He was and still is so charming with his piercing blue eyes and sweet, innocent smile. He was beginning to learn things very quickly in his young age.  I can remember him doing his animal noises and sign language before he could walk or talk!


Of course, he was taught early on who to go for as far as football goes. When you said, "Roll Tide" his tossed his hands up like this.

He developed a personality like no other. He could play by himself and be just fine but he some definitely loved you playing with him. He loved to dress up like certain characters. He would come up to and hug you or kiss you for no reason.


Three short years later, he became the big brother to Mae Garner, and I got a niece! She came into the world on March 30, 2008. Matthew learned quickly to be very protective over his little sis. He adored her and took care of her so well.


His adorable little smile and dimples didn't out grow him. He had the perfect little grin that just melted your heart. As they got bigger, Matthew and Mae Garner did everything together.







Matthew has played many sports including soccer, football, and basketball and did really well at all of them. He also took up paino lessons, swimming, and gymnastics. He is very talented and well-rounded. By the spring of 2011, the Meadows welcomed baby #3 into their bunch! Matthew was thrilled to have a new baby brother. Liam was born April 29, 2011.






He's also become a cousin to sweet baby Evalee Anne who was born February 23, 2012. We already have a huge clan, and I'm not even married yet!

He's such a handsome little man. He's the best big brother and cousin you could ever want. He's so smart and compassionate to everyone he meets. He's brave and strong and has the memory of his papa. I'm so proud of how much he's accomplished. He's a boy that doesn't give up; he tries so hard at everything he does. 
Being the first, there's always going to be a place in my heart for MCM. He's grown so much in the last seven years that I wish he could slow it down a little bit. He's the light of my life. He never ceases to amaze me. He's constantly teaching me about life, instead of the other way around. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child teaches you to be optimistic, caring, loving, and patient. I love this little boy so much. I'm so lucky to be the aunt of such an amazing kid. I can't wait to see the young man he becomes. Happy Birthday sweet boy!